Indexing fonts
Norbert Preining
norbert at
Tue Dec 20 00:34:43 CET 2022
Hi Peter,
> Yep :-) This is exactly what I have been maintaining until recently (Mac,
Oh dear ... don't envy you for that. Thanks a lot!
> Win, Lin-via-deb and Lin-via-TL) but more changes mean it needs updating,
Fortunately, deb based packages are all the same, since there is no
independent (from what I have done) packaging of TeX Live in Debian
> and I need to add Lin-via-rpm. Fortunately I am only looking at the new
rpm is a different beast, I think both SuSE and RedHat have very
different packaging of TeX Live.
Then there is Arch, and Guix, and ....
> omitting VMS and mainframe installations.
That is a good idea, not sure how many are actually using that.
All the best
Mercari Inc. + IFMGA Guide + TU Wien + TeX Live
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