Welcome to the PSTricks web site PDF export |
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
auto-pst-pdf |
dvipdfm |
epstool |
lualatex |
LyX and -shell-escape |
MiKTeX |
pst2pdf |
pdftricks |
ps2pdf |
ps4pdf |
pst-pdf |
TeXnicCenter and -shell-escape |
TeXShop and -shell-escape |
TeXWorks and -shell-escape |
VTeX/Free |
WinEdt and -shell-escape |
XeLaTeX |
The PSTricks macros cannot be used directly with pdf(La)TeX, because PSTricks uses PostScript arithmetic, which isn't part of PDF. There are several more or less good possibilities to get a PDF output from PostScript. The absolute easiest way is using lualatex or the sequence latex->dvips->ps2pdf . When using a
there is a often a button for this. If you are using packages which works only with pdflatex or want
to insert png- or jpg-images, then always use lualatex or the package auto-pst-pdf and you can run pdflatex
with PSTricks related code.
lualatexSince 2021 there exists the package luapstricks.lua which is a replacement for GhostScript if you run your document with lualatex. Then it is automatically be loaded and the PDF output will directly be created without any additional program. You need only an additional first line in your document:
\DocumentMetadata{} \documentclass{...} ... Only for examples with exessive mathematical calculations, e.g. for differential equations, it could take very long because the used Lua interpreter is not the fastest machine ... ps2pdfThis is the absolutely easiest way to convert a complete document or a single PSTricks image to pdf:ps2pdf <file>.ps dvipdf is no alternative, because it cannot handle the PostScript
prologue files. Use always dvips
and then ps2pdf .
If you use a gui for creating your document, then set your output profile to LaTeX=>PS=>PDF ,
then your gui does it all.
To get all images as eps files create a
document, which holds only the PSTricks images (use the following template):
\documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{pstricks} \uespackage{pst-...} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} ... code for an image ... \clearpage ... code for an image ... \clearpage ... \end{document}now run
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % \usepackage{lmodern} % the latin modern font family pst2pdfpst2pdf is a Perl script which isolates all PostScript or PSTricks related parts of the document into single LaTeX files, which create an eps and pdf image. The pdf ones are then imported in a last pdflatex run for the pdf output of the main document.
alternative: \begin{postscript} ... \begin{pspicture} .... \end{pspicture} ... \end{postscript} The pspicture environment can be nested, the postscript one NOT! pspicture can be inside of a postscript environment, but not vice versa. The postscript environment should be used for all other PostScript related commands, which are not part of a pspicture environment, e.g. nodes inside normal text. Restrictions for this version: Nested files are not possible! Hence PSTricks in\input and/or \include files cannot be used.
Look into the Perl code for more informations ...
VTeX/FreeThe program VTeX for linux from http://www.micropress-inc.com/linux is free available and procuduces a PDF output by default and can handle all pstricks code. See also:http://www.os2voice.org/VNL/past_issues/VNL1203H/vnewsf4.htm Package
The best solution is to use the package
pst-pdf which
itself needs the newest preview package, available from CTAN.
latex <file.tex> dvips -Ppdf -o <file-pics.ps> <file.dvi> #ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages#/None <file-pics.ps> <file-pics.pdf># for Windows user ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None <file-pics.ps> <file-pics.pdf> pdflatex <file.tex> |
writes with the help of the preview
package the pspicture
environment into a special DVI file. It is important, that pspicture
has the correct coordinates,
otherwise you'll get not the whole picture (see also topic baseline).
dvips -E
writes the contents into a special PS file with one picture - one page. With ps2pdf
this file is converted into PDF images from which the last pdflatex run reads its images page by page and replace all
with the pspicture
. For using the package with LuaTeX
go here.
\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{auto-pst-pdf} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{pspicture}(-5.25,-5.25)(5.25,5.25)% \pscircle*[linecolor=cyan]{5} \psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,gridlabels=0pt] \Huge\sffamily\bfseries \rput(-4.5,4.5){A} \rput(4.5,4.5){B} \rput(-4.5,-4.5){C}\rput(4.5,-4.5){D} \rput(0,0){auto-pst-pdf} \rmfamily \rput(0,-3.8){PSTricks} \rput(0,3.8){\LaTeX} \end{pspicture} \includegraphics{foo}% can be foo.jpg or foo.png \end{document}Important is the fact, that all PSTricks related code should be inside the pspicture-environment. Alternative you can use the environment postscript, which can include any kind of code:
\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{auto-pst-pdf} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{postscript} \psset{fillstyle=solid} \psscalebox{0.75}{% \begin{pspicture}(-5.25,-5.25)(5.25,5.25)% \pscircle*[linecolor=cyan]{5} \psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,gridlabels=0pt] \Huge\sffamily\bfseries \rput(-4.5,4.5){A} \rput(4.5,4.5){B} \rput(-4.5,-4.5){C}\rput(4.5,-4.5){D} \rput(0,0){auto-pst-pdf} \rmfamily \rput(0,-3.8){PSTricks} \rput(0,3.8){\LaTeX} \end{pspicture}} \end{postscript} \includegraphics{foo}% can be foo.jpg or foo.png \end{document}Now run
pdflatex -shell-escape file
or alternatively for MikTeX
distributions pdflatex --enable-write18 file
. The four steps for creating a
document with a last pdflatex run are now done internally by the package. The package
itself loads pst-pdf
by default with the option notightpage
which makes it easier to define the bounding box of each image. The programs ps2pdf
and pdfcrop
must be installed, which should already be the case for
standard TeX distributions like TeXLive or MikTeX. pdfcrop
needs an installed
perl, which is the default for Linux. For Windows install the one from
For a GUI like TeXnicCenter insert the -shell-escape option with Alt-F7 (opens the output menu),
choose LaTeX=>PDF and insert in the right window as optional argument "-shell-escape" (without a space between shell and -escape!)), just
before the existing "-interaction=..." argument.
, converting into EPS from inside pstricks\documentclass{article} \usepackage{pst-eps,graphicx,epstopdf} \makeatletter \newcommand{\pssave}[2]{% \PSTtoEPS[% headerfile=pstricks.pro,% headers=all,% bbllx=-2,bblly=-2,bburx=2,bbury=2] {#1.eps}{#2}% } \makeatother \parindent=0pt \begin{document} \pssave{EPSfileName}{% \begin{pspicture}(-2,-2)(2,2) \psset{linecolor=red} \pscircle{2} % any pstricks stuff \end{pspicture}% } line before image \includegraphics{EPSfileName} line after image \end{document}PSTtoEPS is unable to calculate the bounding box. You can pass this values as options to the macro or leave it blank, then the image gets the default values of 2*2pt. In this case you have to reserve the space in your text by yourself. The saved EPS image can now be converted into any other format.
dvips -E
Also cuts all whitespace around the EPS image. Use the following bash script or run the
commands by hand. epstool
is available from
http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/gsview/epstool.htm for
*nix and Windows.
#!/bin/sh latex $1.tex # run latex (file without extension) dvips -j -E $1.dvi -o $1.eps # run dvips epstool --copy --bbox $1.eps $1.tmp.eps # run epstool mv $1.tmp.eps $1.eps # rename output |
MiKTeX users load the package
with option miktex: \usepackage[miktex]{pdftricks}
and have to pay attention that they have a
directory called \tmp
pdflatex --shell-escape <testfile.tex> |
(Linux) |
pdflatex --enable-write18 <testfile.tex> |
(MiKTeX) |
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{ifpdf} \ifpdf% \usepackage{pdftricks} \begin{psinputs} \usepackage{pstricks} \end{psinputs} \else \usepackage{pstricks} \newenvironment{pdfpic}{}{} \fi \begin{document} \section{Hallo} Welt. \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \caption{The image, converted with \texttt{pdftricks}} \begin{pdfpic} \begin{pspicture}(5,2) \psline{|<->|}(0,0.3)(4,1.9) \end{pspicture} \end{pdfpic} \end{figure} \end{document}
. Use always dvips
and then ps2pdf
or alternative the script dvipdf
which does the same.
, which is independent from the package and allows an easy
use of the package pst-pdf.