[tex4ht] is it possible to have complete support for breqn package in tex4ht?

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Mon Sep 25 18:18:20 CEST 2023

On 9/25/2023 4:39 AM, Michal Hoftich wrote:

> Hopefully, they will manage to implement it, it would be impractical
> to try to compile Breqn equations to images, and the rest of the math
> to MathJax anyway.
> Best, Michal

If breqn would work with svg, I was planning to stop using
mathjax and switch back to svg for math for everything ofcourse. This
is what I used to do few years ago.

I think the best solution is to convert PDF directly to HTML,
as https://wang-lu.com/pdf2htmlEX/  attempted to do.

It was very fast also. But too bad it is now another
abandoned open source project. It was very promising at
one point. But when I last tried it last time, graphics did not
convert well and had bad resolution.

I guess if you can't find why breqn does not work in tex4ht, then
no one else could :)

Only hope now is to wait to see if in the future mathjax would
implement breaking of long equation.


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