[tex4ht] is it possible to have complete support for breqn package in tex4ht?

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Mon Sep 25 08:28:57 CEST 2023

Mathjax still does not support automatic breaking on long equations.
I do not think it will ever do that.

Currently tex4ht even when using svg (i.e. image for math, and
not mathjax), it does not support breqn package.

This means long equations look bad in HTML since they
exceed the width of the web page.

If tex4ht, using SVG for math, could generate images of
the equations the same as it looks in pdf with breqn, this
will make the pages look much better.

These equation are auto-generated from CAS systems
and not possible to manually breaking them each time
and many of them can be long. CAS system do not break
long equations themselves when they emit the Latex.

I was wondering how hard it will be to have tex4ht
support fully the breqn package directly? i.e. generate
same math as that in PDF for long equations (but in svg mode).


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