[tex4ht] [bug #607] tex4ht with package hyperref and option destlabel creates no ancor

Michal Hoftich puszcza-hackers at gnu.org.ua
Mon Aug 21 11:19:54 CEST 2023

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #607 (project tex4ht):

The solution in the linked answer on TeX.sx is a base for the code that
make4ht executes by default. I just fixed some errors and issues that I found
in the meantime.

On the TeX side, when we add any code to \label, it will always point under
the section title. This is because of how HTML works. As soon as the section
is closed, it inserts the </h2> tag, and everything that follows, such as the
destination anchor for the label, is displayed on another line. It could be
possible to move the anchor to a section using Lua filters, but it would be

In PDF, it may be possible to insert the destination on the same line, because
it doesn't insert an implicit line break with the end tag.


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