Indexing fonts

Peter Flynn peter at
Sat Jan 21 23:57:06 CET 2023

On 15/12/2022 21:39, Karl Berry wrote:
> Anyway, Norbert answered for Debian. For native TL, the answer is here:

As a very infrequent Mac user, I am only familiar with the Mac&TeX; I 
installed in January 2017 (at least, that's the timestamp on the 
directories, which sounds about right). It periodically updates TeXShop 
for me, but the TL is in texlive/2016.

If I do this with XeLaTeX:

Hello, world!

I get Accanthis, so the distribution fonts work out of the box. However, 
none of the system fonts are accessible this way.

The system utility "system_profiler" can report extensively on all 
installed system fonts by using the argument "SPFontsDataType" but this 
is presumably not used by XeLaTeX. Mac system fonts appear to be in 
/Library/Fonts and /System/Library/Fonts

Does anyone know the incantation required to get Mac system fonts 
visible to XeLaTeX?


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