Lincense question for commercial app

Boris Veytsman borisv at
Sat Jan 21 03:39:16 CET 2023

KB> Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 15:59:20 -0700
KB> From: Karl Berry <karl at>

KB> It depends on what "used" means. For example, if the app is merely
KB> executing a pdftex binary, then providing the sources that that built
KB> that binary is sufficient.

KB> Zdenek, in your case, wanting to link a GPL'd library, indeed,
KB> I agree with your analysis. You are making one executable

KB> -> not mere aggregation 
KB> -> all sources must be made available. --best, karl.

Absolutely correct.  That's what I meant by saying "However, if you
want to MODIFY the sources or link them as a library, you must be
careful and read the individual licenses."  Linking to closed source
app is allowed by LGPL, but not GPL.

AFAIK, one of the purposes of TL is to enable its use in any setting,
including commercial ones - as long as you "just execute it". 

Good luck


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