Bug in Windows Installer - unable to change installation path

Siep Kroonenberg siepo at bitmuis.nl
Tue Apr 11 20:49:24 CEST 2023

On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 06:37:51PM +0200, Cezary Wagner wrote:
> There is a lot of space and I do not want to install but change the
> destination folder - it fails when I try to change the folder not when I
> start to install.

I could reproduce your problem when running the install script from
an MSYS2 terminal window, and also from a regular command-prompt
with msys on the searchpath.

If this is indeed the problem: keep msys/cygwin from your path
when installing TL, or, if you have cygwin, try the unix/linux
installer, which supports cygwin binaries.

Siep Kroonenberg

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