Bug in Windows Installer - unable to change installation path

Cezary Wagner cezary.wagner at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 18:37:51 CEST 2023

There is a lot of space and I do not want to install but change the
destination folder - it fails when I try to change the folder not when I
start to install.

pon., 10 kwi 2023 o 20:55 Siep Kroonenberg <siepo at bitmuis.nl> napisał(a):

> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 06:29:37PM +0200, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> > Is C:\texlive writable by the user who installs it?
> If not, that should merely lead to a warning 'Cannot be created or
> cannot be written to', but not to a crash. Also, there is plenty of
> disk space available.
> --
> Siep Kroonenberg
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