has the search path during format creation been changed?

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Tue Apr 6 10:24:38 CEST 2021

Hi Ulrike, hi Akira,

On Tue, 06 Apr 2021, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> Beside this kpathsea had version 6.3.2 in texlive 2020 and is now at
> 6.3.3

There is one change with comments about this in kpathsea/readable.c:
+  Support very long input path name, longer than _MAX_PATH for
+  Windows, if it really exists and input name is given in
+  full-absolute path in a command line.
+  /../, /./, \..\, \.\ should be excluded (2020/06/06)
+  More than one adjacent directory separators should be
+  excluded. (2020/10/24)

That is the only relevant change in kpathsea besides knj.c updates that
probably (?) don't apply here.

Akira, any idea?



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Fujitsu                 + IFMGA Guide + TU Wien + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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