TL documentation

Denis Bitouzé denis.bitouze at
Wed Apr 15 17:27:05 CEST 2020


unfortunately, for the French TL documentation for the TL 2020,
I commited only the `.tex` source file, and not the `.pdf` and `.html`
files: I thought the compilations would be done for all the languages by
Karl. Okay, now I know for next year :)

But my point here is that I tried to get these files with TL
2020. Unfortunately, the corresponding compilations failed because the
Makefile (Master/texmf-dist/doc/texlive/texlive-en/Makefile) now

  │ tlpre = tlpre
  │ env = TEXINPUTS=../texlive-common:../texlive-en:; export TEXINPUTS; $(tlpre)

but `tlpre` is an unknown command (hence I dropped it in order to be
able to provide these files with TL 2020' update).

What is this strange `tlpre`?

All the best.

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