[tex-live] Non-commercial licenses

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at gmx.de
Tue Jun 23 04:44:17 CEST 2015

On 2015-06-22 at 08:36:48 +0000, Bunz Karsten wrote:

 > as a journalist of Germanys most successful monthly PC-magazine
 > CHIP I am currently researching content for the enclosed
 > DVD. Because of this I would like to offer our readers Your free
 > software "Tex Live 2015" and "proTeXt" (if possible including
 > upcoming versions) and distribute it as an additional service on
 > any future CD/DVD, ISO-download and via CHIP-App-Tablet
 > edition. Therefore I would be highly grateful if you would give me
 > your approval.

Hi Karsten,
in addition to what Norbert already said, I'd like to mention that the
"TeX Collection DVD" (containig TeX Live for all systems, MacTeX for
OS X, and proTeXt for Windows) is already sold by Lehmanns Bookstore.
If the license is fine for Lehmanns, it's also fine for you.

You mentioned "Tex Live 2015" and "proTeXt" explicitly.  Unless you
want to put anything else onto the DVD its best (less error-prone) to
simply provide the "TeX Collection DVD" without any modifications.

Norbert already mentioned "network installations".  IMO DVDs are fine
for people with a poor internet connection.  In most cases network
installations are much faster and provide the latest stuff
immediately.  Even if you provide a DVD I think that it makes
sense to describe network installations in the article.


Reinhard Kotucha                            Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                    mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de

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