[tex-live] Issue with Linux Libertine fonts, fontspec, and LuaLaTeX

Michael Anselmi ma.anselmi at gmail.com
Fri May 3 20:48:07 CEST 2013


I am directing this message to this email address as instructed by the
TeX Live pretest page: http://www.tug.org/texlive/pretest.html#reporting
I am not sure which component is at fault (my guess would be either
fontspec or LuaLaTeX), so I am hoping someone more knowledgeable than me
can tell me who else I should be contacting.

I recently installed the TeX Live 2013 pretest and noticed a few
differences when compiling the following minimal example with XeLaTeX
and LuaLaTeX.


\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
\setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O}



This is upright text.
\textbf{This is boldface text.}
\textit{This is italic text.}
\textbf{\emph{This is boldface italic text.}}

I've attached a tar.bz2 file containing the log and PDF output from each
engine.  Notice how the PDF generated by XeLaTeX appears correct: the
title is bold upright, and the body text is bold, italic, and bold
italic where it should be.  However, the PDF generated by LuaLaTeX has a
bold italic tile, and all of the body text is regular upright.

I'm hoping someone can tell me why this is happening.  Note that,
although my files all have "bug" in their filenames, I'm not ruling out
the possibility of user error being the culprit.  :)

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