[tex-live] Issue with Linux Libertine fonts, fontspec, and LuaLaTeX

Bob Tennent rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Sat May 4 00:39:51 CEST 2013

 >|I am not sure which component is at fault (my guess would be either
 >|fontspec or LuaLaTeX), so I am hoping someone more knowledgeable than me
 >|can tell me who else I should be contacting.
 >|I recently installed the TeX Live 2013 pretest and noticed a few
 >|differences when compiling the following minimal example with XeLaTeX
 >|and LuaLaTeX.
 >|\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
 >|\setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O}
 >|This is upright text.
 >|\textbf{This is boldface text.}
 >|\textit{This is italic text.}
 >|\textbf{\emph{This is boldface italic text.}}

Looks to me like font selection in lualatex is the problem. I don't
have access to a system with the pretest till Monday but I'd guess
that if you tried


everything would work; libertine.sty uses font selection by file
name rather than font name. And you should get the same output with
pdflatex or latex->dvips->ps2pdf.

Bob T.

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