[tex-live] Xindy searchpath
t34www at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 17 00:43:24 CEST 2010
On 16 June 2010 00:55, Robert Eckl <eckl.r at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using TeXLive with Windows XP.
> If I use xindy, i receive this error:
> GNU CLISP: -x with lisp-file is invalid: '(searchpath'
> $TEXLIVEHOM\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:543: command failed with exit code
> 1:
> perl.exe ...
> I have installed strawberry perl 5.12.0 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread, bin and
> lib are found in $PATH
> Any idea?
> Sorry for my terrible english.
Your English is just fine, but your report is a bit light on details.
Please provide at least the following:
- revision of xindy (you can check it in tlmgr)
- exact steps to reproduce the error
- exact error message you see
I know little about xindy and nothing about CLISP, so I hope others
can chime in, but at first look the error message appears all wrong to
me. Where does this $TEXLIVEHOM come from? The path to runscript.tlu
should be absolute.
Does xindy work with our Perl (to test temporarily remove Strawberry
from the PATH)?
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