[tex-live] Xindy searchpath
Robert Eckl
eckl.r at gmx.de
Thu Jun 17 02:53:29 CEST 2010
T T <t34www at googlemail.com> wrote:
>On 16 June 2010 00:55, Robert Eckl <eckl.r at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using TeXLive with Windows XP.
>> If I use xindy, i receive this error:
>> GNU CLISP: -x with lisp-file is invalid: '(searchpath'
>> $TEXLIVEHOM\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:543: command failed with exit code
>> 1:
>> perl.exe ...
>> I have installed strawberry perl 5.12.0 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread, bin
>> and lib are found in $PATH Any idea?
>> Sorry for my terrible english.
>Your English is just fine, but your report is a bit light on details.
>Please provide at least the following:
>- revision of xindy (you can check it in tlmgr)
>- exact steps to reproduce the error
>- exact error message you see
>I know little about xindy and nothing about CLISP, so I hope others can
>chime in, but at first look the error message appears all wrong to me.
>Where does this $TEXLIVEHOM come from? The path to runscript.tlu should
be absolute.
It was only a abbreviation, sorry.
>Does xindy work with our Perl (to test temporarily remove Strawberry from
the PATH)?
Xindy does not work with tl-Perl on my pc Windows XP, at office with MAC
OS X (snow leopard) all is fine.
I´m using TeXLive 2010 pretest.
The revision of xindy is 18894 (2.4)
xindy-win32 18459
Xindy release 2.4
Xindy.pl script version: 1.16
Xindy kernel version 3.0
CLISP version 2.48 (2009-07-28) (built on cj3001517-a []
architecture: PC/?86
TL-Perl v5.10.1, bzw. strawberry v5.12.0
I invoke xindy with this command
xindy -v -C utf8 -M meinBuch.xdy meinBuch-persons.idx
This echoes
Running filter:
<J:\temp\x204KY7KtM >J:\temp\WaNKZJ0pLE
GNU CLISP: -x with lisp-file is invalid: ´(searchpath´
GNU CLISP: use ´-h´ for help
H:\texlive\2010\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:543: command failed with exit code
Perl.exe h:/texlive/2010/texmf/scripts/xindy/xindy.pl -v -C utf8 -M
meinBuch.xdy meinBuch-persons.idx
Without the option -M meinBuch.xdy it´s the same.
J:\temp\ is my TEMP-Path.
I´m thinking it´s not a bug, but the settings of PATH or other variables
are wrong.
For testing PATH was set to
I invoked xindy with the option -d and -t, this show the searchpath,
separated with ":".
01 concatenated xindy input file: J:\temp\6UDcq1MwLO
02 Running filter:
<J:\temp\6UDcq1MwLO >J:\temp\nGMJzDvn7z
03 filtered xindy input file: J:\temp\nGMJzDvn7z
04 modules directory: h:/texlive/2010/texmf/xindy/modules.
05 command:
h:/texlive/2010/texmf/scripts/xindy/../../../bin/win32/xindy-lisp.exe -M
06 h:/texlive/2010/texmf/scripts/xindy/../../../bin/win32/xindy.mem -E
iso-8859-1 -x (progn
07 (searchpath
08 (xindy:startup
09 :idxstyle ""
10 :rawindex "J:\temp\nGMJzDvn7z"
11 :output ".\&1meinBuch-persons.ind"
12 :logfile "xindy.log
12 :markup-trace :on
13 )
14 (exit))
I don´t know, from where comes line 6 and 7, a log-File was not built.
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