[tex-live] oversimplyfied test for lzmadec existence
Jukka Salmi
j+tex-live at 2009.salmi.ch
Thu Aug 20 11:25:17 CEST 2009
Karl Berry --> tex-live (2009-08-18 17:22:26 -0500):
> TLPDB::setting: no available_architectures, returning empty list ...
> to stderr while running. What about turning such warning messages into
> debug messages (see attached patch)?
> That change affects more than just available_architectures, though.
> That doesn't seem like a good idea. It's also a drag that it occurs in
> two places.
ok, but does a TL user really want to know whether an internally used
list was empty or not? IMHO that's a fact only TL developers should
care about, thus debug() seems more appropriate to me than tlwarn().
> We could make the debugification be conditional, of course, but I wonder
> if there's a cleaner way to make it work. Maybe somehow "unknown" could
> get written into available_architectures, for instance? Something else?
Hmm, adding an "unknown" architecture to the list seems to be kind of a
hack to me, since (at least if I read the code correctly...) nothing in
tlmgr and install-tl depend on the `available_architectures' setting not
being empty.
But I just learned about the -custom-bin option to install-tl, maybe
that's what I need. I'll try it ASAP.
Regards, Jukka
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