[tex-live] Using Mac fonts in TeX
Vladimir Volovich
30 Dec 2002 15:10:52 +0300
"GW" == Gerben Wierda writes:
GW> I have created a file gillsans.sty:
GW> \def\fileversion{1} \def\filedate{2002/12/30}
GW> \ProvidesPackage{gillsans}[\filedate\space\fileversion \space
GW> PSNFSS LaTeX2e package loading Gill Sans]
GW> \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{mgs} \endinput
GW> But when I try \usepackage{gillsans} and \textsf{Some text} I get
GW> LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/mgs/m/n' undefined (Font)
GW> using `OT1/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 20.
GW> which clearly is what I do not want. I am able to produce a
GW> testfont page for GillSans by choosing font mgsr16t, so it seems
GW> that my gillsans.sty is in error. Can someone in the know about
GW> TeX and fonts clear this up for me?
you need to create FD files, e.g. t1mgs.fd and ot1mgs.fd which will
make the fonts known to latex. also note that you described the fonts
in the map file as having T1 encoding, while you tried to use them in
your latex file in OT1 encoding. so either you have to create
(virtual) fonts for OT1 encoding too, or use the fonts only with