[Fwd: License to distribute your arabtex package sought]
Arthur Ogawa
Fri, 02 Jul 1999 13:07:02 -0700
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I will continue this correspondence with texlive on the cc list.
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From: Klaus Lagally <lagally@linde.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>
Message-Id: <199907020944.LAA31100@linde.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>
Subject: Re: License to distribute your arabtex package sought
To: ogawa@teleport.com
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 11:44:48 +0200 (CEST)
In-Reply-To: <377BB285.47E850C2@teleport.com> from "Arthur Ogawa" at Jul 1, 99 11:25:56 am
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scripsit Arthur Ogawa:
> As you may know, your arabtex package ($CTAN/nonfree/language/arabtex) is
> incorporated onto the TeX Live 4a CD-ROM (May 1999) and has been distributed
> to TUG and LUG members worldwide. However, because licensing for its
> distribution has not been clarified to allow it, your package cannot be
> distributed together with, say, a book, without explicit permission from you.
> A special situation has arisen for which we would like to ask your
> cooperation. The publisher O'Reilly Associates-France has obtained permission
> to distribute the TeX Live 4b CD-ROM (June 1999) with a LaTeX book; for this
> purpose, they will manufacture the CD-ROMs themselves (Sebastian Rahtz and TUG
> to supply original materials).
> At the same time, they will provide a number of copies of the CD-ROM to TUG
> (we can thus avoid the expense of manufacturing those CDs; our stocks of TeX
> Live 4a are now very low).
> Therefore, if you would give permission to distribute your arabtex package
> with that book, TUG will be able to ensure that the TeX Live 4b CD-ROM is as
> complete as possible, and will be able to distribute the same CD-ROM to TUG
> members and to LUGs as well.
> If you agree, please simply email to me to the effect that you "give
> permission for arabtex to be distributed on the TeX Live 4b CD-ROM with the
> ORA-FR LaTeX book".
Permission granted!
I have no general objections against redistributing the package, even for
profit; but I wish to keep informed, and also I want to keep control on
the contents distributed under the name of the package, in order to protect
my reputation :-)
> By the way, I would like also to ask the publisher on your behalf for a
> complimentary copy of the book and a few CDs to be sent to you. Might you be
> interested in this?
Yes, please. This could help in showing to our department that what I am
doing during work hours is useful, if not for the department, at least
for the TeX world at large :-)
> --
> Arthur Ogawa, TUG Secretary
Best wishes
Klaus Lagally
P.S. Please try to get a complete new minor version (3.09 to appear within
a few weeks); the present version 3.08i on CTAN has too many patches.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Lagally | lagally@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Institut fuer Informatik | Tel. +49-711-7816392 | Zeige mir deine Uhr,
Breitwiesenstrasse 20-22 | FAX +49-711-7816370 | und ich sage dir,
70565 Stuttgart, GERMANY | (changed) | wie spaet es ist.