[tug-board] distributing the CD as an image for download
Arthur Ogawa
Thu, 01 Jul 1999 08:33:23 -0700
I trimmed the cc list back.
Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> Barbara beeton wrote:
> > ...the non-free material removed to
> > prevent any licensing questions from arising.
> ...TL4b has the `obvious' stuff removed, for O'Reilly.
I understand from Xavier that his project is proceeding more slowly than he
wanted (so it goes, as we all know). I would like to know if a window of
opportunity is open for me to contact the licenseholders of the packages
concerned to ask if they would allow their material to be distributed in the
way that ORA-FR has in mind.
My reason for asking is that in order to make up GUTenberg's late, large
order, we had to deplete our stocks of TL4a and are considering asking ORA to
replenish us. Xavier is amenable to this.
I know some of the licenseholders of the above, and would expect to be able
to, in many cases, obtain permission without any trouble.
So, is there still time for you to add them back in given that I will have
secured an agreement?
I have annotated your list. Can you confirm, or help with the two ?? entries?
> formats3/blue
Kees van der Laan <cgl@rc.service.rug.nl>
> formats3/lollipop
Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout@cs.utk.edu>
> formats3/texsis
Eric Myers http://feynman.physics.lsa.umich.edu/~myers/texsis/TeXsis.html
> lang3/arabtex
Dr. Klaus Lagally <lagally@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>
> lang3/montex
Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj <corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de>
> latex2/revtex
or macros/latex209/contrib/revtex/
> latex3/dinbrief
Richard Gussmann
EMAIL: Internet: gussmann@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
oder an
Dr. Klaus Braune
EMAIL: Internet: braune@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
> latex3/euro2
not found in FILES.byname??
> latex3/floatfig
Mats Dahlgren. http://www.homenet.se/matsd/latex/ <matsd@sssk.se>
> latex3/foiltex
James (Jim) Hafner <hafner@almaden.ibm.com>
> latex3/textmerg
Mike Piff <M.Piff@shef.ac.uk>
> latex3/koma-script
Markus Kohm <??>
Unless I hear back from you that you think this is a Bad Idea, I will commence
contacting the authors involved right away.