Typesetting Nightmares

Hans Hagen
The Netherlands

Sunday July 20, 2003


It does not take much for users (and customers) to realize that TEX is a programming language. This often results in the perception that you can do anything you want, and make people believe that you can do better than other, less open applications. Combine this with the fact that developers seldom admit that something cannot be done, and the ingredients of a typographic programming nightmare are there. The complication arises from the fact that: This means that in order to fulfil the needs of authors and designers, one sometimes has to bend TEX's rules and cook up rather complicated macros. In this presentation I will discuss a couple of last year's (typo|)|graphical programming nightmares.

[ abstract 32.5 KB ]
[ slides 53.8 KB ]
( no preprint )

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