[pstricks] [pst-tree] Labeling branches just doesn't work at all.

Nathan Gaylinn Nathaniel_Gaylinn at brown.edu
Mon Mar 22 21:29:49 CET 2004

I'm using the base LaTeX instalation from Slackware 9.0... unfortunately
I'm not 100% certain of what it is, but it's very recent comes with a
wide veriety of packages and works prefectly.

Except for one small problem I've found.

Labels put on the branches of pstrees always go on top of the node
instead of near the branch. All of the commands such as \tvput, \taput,
\trput, \ncput, etc. have the exact same effect. Even example code
demonstrating how to do this fails for me.

For instance,

\pstree[levelsep=10ex]{\Tcircle{R} }{
        \pstree{ \Tcircle{D2}\tvput{subj} }{

puts all of the labels over top of the circles, making the text within
the circles unreadable.

Does anyone know what's wrong or have any suggestions? I'd appreciate
whatever I can get.

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