[math-font-discuss] Package to change text for math like Beamer does it?

Scott Thatcher thatcher at truman.edu
Fri Oct 29 12:30:31 CEST 2010

Responding to the previous question, I've from time to time wanted to use my
main text font for the letter-like parts of mathematical typesetting, while
using symbols from an existing math package.  I've been able to do this on an
individual basis by creating/ editing the files where all the aspects of the
math fonts are defined (for example looking at mathpazo.sty and remembering
which of the \DeclareSymbolFont and \DeclareMathAlphabet commands I'd need to
change), but since I do it so infrequently, I have to re-learn the correct
parts to change each time.

I've noticed that Beamer does this substitution of the main text face into
math mode automatically.  This makes me wonder whether anyone has ever done
the work to  make just this one capability from beamer into a stand-alone
package.  It seems like it would be a useful thing to be able to do: load the
closest existing math font package, then use your text face where possible.

I've gone so far as to find the parts of the Beamer files where this is done,
but I haven't yet had the confidence or time to try to extract them myself
into a separate package.  Does anyone know if this has been done?

Scott Thatcher

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