[math-font-discuss] upright lowercase greek letters

Jonathan Stickel jjstickel at vcn.com
Thu Jul 31 17:00:05 CEST 2008

I am new to the list and apologize if this has been discussed before.  I 
would like to have upright lowercase greek letters in math mode when I 
use \mathrm{}.  I know that I can get them by using the Euler font by 
following the suggestions here:


However I would prefer that I would not have to declare each lowercase 
greek letter as a new command.  It is also possible to redeclare the 
"operators" math alphabet (what \mathrm uses) to be the Euler font, but 
then this changes the font of roman letters as well.  I just want to 
change the behavior of the lowercase greek letters.

Uppercase greek letters will respect \mathnormal and \mathrm if the 
package "fixmath" is used, but this is because most math fonts have both 
upright and italic uppercase greek.  The problem seems to be that 
lowercase greek only comes in italic for most fonts or only upright for 

Any suggestions?


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