[OS X TeX] Hi, an introduction post!

Vicky Lamburn victoria at sunshinesista.fsworld.co.uk
Tue Nov 29 00:22:39 CET 2005


A quick email to say hello, as this is my first e-mail to this  
mailing list.  I have been using TeX/LaTeX for a little under a week  
now and I have found it very easy to fall in love with.

So much so it has really reinvigorated my pleasure in writing that  
sometimes using a word processor lacks, and the output is wonderful!

You can read and see more about myself on my website http:// 
www.lilserenity.com which I designed especially for clarity and an  
excellent showcase for content, perhaps showing that I was destined  
to use a system such as TeX/LaTeX all along!

I do a lot of writing, some technically orientated, some fictionally  
based when there isn't a paintbrush, wacom tablet pen or camera in my  
hands :)

My first proper document is one about installing Type 1 fonts on a  
Mac OS X system for TeX.  I am all too aware that many excellent  
documents exist, but at the time I did not make sense of it all and  
it took me some piecing together.  So in an attempt to document this,  
and have a really good practice at making my first proper document  
this was the result:

http://www.lilserenity.com/FontInstall.pdf (source: http:// 

It will probably be revised a few times and you may find odd  bits  
that I need correcting on, it is in the very literal sense a document  
of my experiences -- some of which may well be wrong and I need  
correcting on.

Also; I am learning slowly about the best way to format things but  
with virtually all the credit going to TeX; it's the best looking  
document I have ever created!  Feedback would of course be very  
gratefully received!

Anyway, look forward to interacting some more on this list and  
learning a whole lot more about this fantastic typesetting system!

------------------------- Info --------------------------
Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
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