
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 32:1, 2011

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

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Complete issue 32:1 as one pdf (7.6mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   
Editorial information   
General Delivery
From the President 
  Karl Berry      [Introductory — conferences; interviews; software]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    Opus 100;     BBVA award for Don Knuth;     Short takes;     Mimi
Mimi Burbank 
  Jackie Damrau      [Introductory — a remembrance]
Missing Mimi 
  Christina Thiele      [Introductory — In memoriam: Mimi Burbank]
16 years of ConTeXt 
  Hans Hagen      [Introductory — ConTeXt's evolution and milestones in its history]
TUGboat's 100 issues—Basic statistics and random gleanings 
  David Walden, Karl Berry      [Introductory — sampled survey of issues throughout TUGboat's run]
TUGboat online 
  Karl Berry, David Walden      [Introductory — retrospective history and implementation of making TUGboat available online]
TeX consulting for fun and profit 
  Boris Veytsman      [Introductory — technical, business, and personal experiences as a TeX consultant]
Which way to the forum? 
  Jim Hefferon      [Introductory — review of the major online help forums]
Electronic Documents
LaTeX at Distributed Proofreaders and the electronic preservation of mathematical literature at Project Gutenberg 
  Andrew Hwang      [Introductory — processing flow and coding of mathematical books at Project Gutenberg]
Introducing the PT Sans and PT Serif typefaces 
  Pavel Farář      [Introductory — high-quality sans and serif typefaces supporting Latin and Cyrillic]
Handling math: A retrospective 
  Hans Hagen      [Advanced — the influence of plain TeX math in ConTeXt, Unicode, and beyond]
The rules for long s 
  Andrew West      [Intermediate — rules for using long s in English, French, Italian, and Spanish]
Software & Tools
Installing TeX Live 2010 on Ubuntu 
  Enrico Gregorio      [Intermediate — why and how to install the original TeX Live on GNU/Linux distributions]
tlcontrib.metatex.org: A complement to TeX Live 
  Taco Hoekwater      [Intermediate — a distribution and associated web site hosting supplementary packages for TeX Live]
LuaTeX: What it takes to make a paragraph 
  Paul Isambert      [Advanced — influencing ligatures, kerning, line breaking, etc., through callbacks]
    Example code for the idea in the last section can be found, along with other useful information, on the LuaTeX wiki.
Luna—my side of the moon 
  Paweł Jackowski      [Advanced — clean handling of graphics made possible by Lua(TeX)]
Reflections on the history of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)—A software license for LaTeX and more 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate — creation and evolution of the LaTeX world's predominant license]
siunitx: A comprehensive (SI) units package 
  Joseph Wright      [Intermediate — overview of a powerful package for printing units, with or without numbers]
Glisterings: Framing; new frames 
  Peter Wilson 
Some misunderstood or unknown LaTeX2e tricks III 
  Luca Merciadri      [Intermediate — monochrome; rightmost braces; watermarks; plagiarism]
LaTeX3 news, issue 5 
  LaTeX Project Team      [Introductory — LPPL now OSI-approved; reflections on 2010; current progress; plans for 2011]
Book Reviews
Book review: Typesetting tables with LaTeX, by Herbert Voß 
  Boris Veytsman 
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages from October 2010 through March 2011]
`Magic' comments in TeXworks 0.4 
  Joseph Wright      [Intermediate — specify the encoding, spell checking language, engine and more]
Eutypon: Contents of issue 24–25 (October 2010)   114 
MAPS: Contents of issue 41 (2010)   115 
The PracTeX Journal: Contents of issue 2010-2   116 
Die TeXnische Komödie: Contents of issues 4/2010–1/2011   117 
ArsTeXnica: Contents of issue 10 (October 2010)   118 
TeX consulting and production services   119 
Is TeX obsolete? 
  Jonathan Fine      [Introductory — note on TeX's (lack of) use as a web service]
TUG Business
Institutional members   121 
TUG financial statements for 2010 
  David Walden 
TUG 2011 election 
  Jim Hefferon 
Calendar   127 
TUG 2011 announcement   128 

TUGboat 32:1, 2011 (issue 100)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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