{Astrological charts with \code{horoscop} and\/ \code{starfont}} {Matthew Skala} {\TeX\ should create beautiful documents for all fields of human endeavour, and in this talk, I describe one which is frequently under-served by typesetting systems: astrology. Astrology has its own tradition of written knowledge and symbolic notation, analogous to that of mathematics but arguably even older; and like mathematics, astrology presents unique challenges for typesetting. Writers of astrological software often focus their attention primarily on the calculations, leaving any kind of graphical presentation as an afterthought. In this talk I present the \code{horoscop} and \code{starfont} \LaTeX\ packages, meant for creating visually appealing astrological documents using \TeX. No prior knowledge of astrology, and not too much of \TeX, will be assumed. }