{Hyphenation past and future: \code{hyph-utf8} and \code{patgen}} {Arthur Reutenauer, Mojca Miklavec} {(There won't be enough time for all of this.) 1. Regenerating \code{patgen}:\\ In the course of my work about hyphenation patterns, I often wondered about overhauling the program \texttt{patgen}, that given a list of hyphenated words, produces patterns (it's the \emph{pat}tern \emph{gen}erator). This venerable program had been written by Frank Liang as he was working on his well-known algorithm, and had essentially not changed in over thirty years, except for an extension at the beginning at the 1990s to support 8-bit encodings, from 7 bits originally. A later rewrite in \Cplusplus\ proved completely unusable because it used mysterious tricks that worked only for one specific version of one specific compiler. It served the community well, producing many sets of hyphenation patterns for different languages, but it had a number of shortcomings\Dash lack of Unicode support to start with\Dash and it seemed time to resume work on it, be it only to re-explore the main algorithm. Earlier this year I did just that, using Ruby which is one of my languages of choice these days. I will make a public release soon and will share some of the lessons learnt along the way, and future plans. 2. \code{hyph-utf8}, eight years on:\\ Hyphenation has always been central in \TeX, to the point that Donald Knuth had one of his students, Frank~Liang, develop an algorithm for it, and create a set of patterns for English. Over the years, patterns have been created for many languages and in 2008 we set to convert all these patterns from legacy 8-bit encodings to \UTF-8 and put them in a single place, the package called \code{hyph-utf8}. We also took the opportunity to clarify the legal situation of the patterns for a few languages, as some files had not been released under clear licence terms, and we made contact with other communities who had an interest in \TeX\ hyphenation patterns, thus creating some fruitful collaborations. Eight years on, the project is still alive and well, and responding to internal as well as external challenges. It has long outgrown its original purpose and could be slowly turning into the central hub for hyphenation data for all free software, hence putting the spotlight on \TeX\ on this\Dash admittedly very specific\Dash typographical feature. We will give a summary of the current situation, outlining the challenges we're facing, and we'll share our future plans, that will hopefully be as exciting to the audience as they are to us. }