TEXPower -- Dynamic Presentations with LATEX

Stephan Lehmke
QuinScape GmbH, Thomasstraße 1, 44135 Dortmund, Germany

Monday July 21, 2003


In the talk, a bundle of LATEXpackages and classes is presented which provides an environment for designing dynamic pdf presentations, mainly for the purpose of displaying with a video beamer.

The heart of the bundle is the texpower package, providing

  1. commands for incremental display of page contents;
  2. commands for designing page backgrounds and `panels';
  3. commands for navigation helpers.

As the effects provided by texpower are implemented entirely based on the LATEXkernel, without resorting to special effects like PostScript, TEXPower is independent of the method of pdf generation and doesn't rely on external postprocessors or such. It is also completely independent of the document class used, though seminar-based classes harmonising well with the texpower package are part of the bundle.

Because of the unique way incremental display is implemented, it is sometimes harder in TEXPower than in other similar packages to keep `static' parts of the page from `moving around' during display. In fact, almost all pitfalls can be avoided by adhering to a number of simple `design rules', which will be pointed out in the talk.

The up side of `doing it all in TEX' is the unique flexibility and customizeability of

Concerning the order of display, the full range of LATEX's abilities for constructing case distinctions can be employed.

Concerning the way of hiding and displaying things, the possibilities range from things just appearing out of blank space via objects being replaced by other objects to `hidden' text being displayed with `dimmed' colors and `undimming' incrementally. `Special effects' like objects flying around or growing into place are also possible, limited only by the `algorithmic' capabilities of TEX(and the performance of the computer running Acrobat Reader).

TEXPower is currently in pre-alpha state and will probably stay that way for some time, but the development release is quite stable and usable, and via the SourceForge site http://texpower.sourceforge.net/, access to updates and communication with developers is easy.

[ abstract 49.0 KB ]
[ slides 1.1 MB ]
( no preprint )

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