[XeTeX] Re: [MacTeX] so, what to do about fonts? (was XeTeX)

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Fri Apr 16 04:17:25 CEST 2004

Hi all,

Considering starting a separate list for XeTeX,
the discussion so far has been...

>>>> I don't mind either way. I suspect the "spurt" will die down once
>>>> we're past the initial flurry of problem reports and wishes, and
>>>> interest in other systems will revive as people see that standard
>>>> pdfTeX and friends are better tools for all those people who want to
>>>> run completely standard, portable TeX documents.
>>> I'd say if the level of xetex-related posts stays fairly high, we 
>>> need
>>> a new list.

I've setup a list at tug.org which we can move to --- if we want.


It uses some of the examples provided by Jonathan and Will.

The obviously active participants can be subscribed automatically.
I'm exploring the feasibility of copying the current XeTeX threads
to that list's archives, so the complete discussion can be available
in the same place.

>> Those who are discussing XeTeX  can decide if they want to create
>> another list. For me, it is interesting to see the discussion
>> even if I don't understand the nitty-gritty details.

Others on this list should be able to say that they don't want
to be bothered by the messages, or to at least have a separate
tag to make them more easily filtered.

My expectation is that there will be several bursts of high activity,
some of a very technical nature. Thus a separate list probably would
be most appropriate. Everyone is welcome to join, of course,
and it can be more open than this MacTeX list.

If several people agree that the separate list is best,
then I'll subscribe those expressing a desire to be on it,
and open up subscriptions for others to join.

Otherwise, we just let it slide, and stay as we are.

Comments invited.

All the best,


> Regarding connections with Apple, I've known some of the engineers and 
> managers in Apple's font and text groups for a number of years, so I'm 
> not entirely without links there. And I will be at Apple's WorldWide 
> Developers Conference a couple of weeks before the Practical TeX 
> conference, and hope to meet many of my Apple friends again there.

Unfortunately an on-going family crisis prevents me from being able to 

> (I don't have anything like the same level of contacts at Adobe, 
> though.)
> Jonathan
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Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department                             office: E7A-419
Macquarie University                               tel: +61 +2 9850 8955
Sydney, Australia                                  fax: +61 +2 9850 8114

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