bibtex for news items, TooBib vs Zotero on a CNN article

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Mon Jan 24 15:13:18 CET 2022

I'm going to try to put TooBib up as a "mail order" service allowing someone 
to mail a set of URL's to the automated handler 
("Mikemail" until I find a better name) and get back various kinds
of bibtex once I can be fairly sure headless chrome via "Chromate"
( my c++ interface to the Chrome debug protocol via web socket utility
wscat for now until I can integrate a library ) 
can not do any damage pointed at malicious sites ( and no I won't have
it pointing to my cookies lol ). I played with this a little locally
and think it has some potential but personally I like email as
a central repository for documenting various activities. It also
has potential for a lot of uses including commercial putting
ads in the replies or other useful information. 
This will be even more interesting when it gets to "BomTex"
or citations for a bill-of-materials. 
Initially it
will just run on my desktop polling the email account when
I'm not developing the code so response will be spotty.   

I'd like to imagine the ability to cite any site and popular news
stories may be worth citing beyond posting links. I happen to look
at this CCN article to compare to Zotero. Zotero is certainly
a lot "nicer" while I'm just making sure there are no profanities :)
However, in the original spirit of bibtex I include a lot more stuff
by default and as things evolve there could be a lot there. One option
will be to get all sources of bibtex and this can be surprisingly diverse.
It looks like Zotero does a lot of curation and not sure if there
are options for that. 

In this case, we seem to differ on the author order and I include
the site provided update info which may even be consistent with
their advertized update time. Zotero appears to have added braces
and maybe you can argue about the entry name style but these are all
options that can be added.

NATO allies put forces on standby as tensions rise over Ukraine crisis
By Sarah Dean, Sharon Braithwaite, Nina Avramova and James Frater, CNN

Updated 7:34 AM ET, Mon January 24, 2022

Zotero result, 

	title = {{NATO} allies put forces on standby as tensions rise over {Ukraine} crisis},
	url = {},
	abstract = {NATO allies are putting forces on standby and sending additional ships and fighter jets to NATO deployments in eastern Europe, NATO said in a news release Monday.},
	urldate = {2022-01-24},
	journal = {CNN},
	author = {CNN, Sharon Braithwaite, Nina Avramova {and} James Frater, Sarah Dean},

% mjmhandler: toobib handleadhochtml<-all
% date 2022-01-24:08:46:41 Mon Jan 24 08:46:41 EST 2022
% srcurl:
% citeurl:
X_TooBib = {date: FixBeKvp s=2022-01-24T11:59:23Z cmd=date -f -  "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2022-01-24 dn=date},
X_TooBib = {date: FixBeKvp s=2022-01-24T12:34:56Z cmd=date -f -  "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2022-01-24 dn=date},
X_TooBib = {date: FixBeKvp s=2022-01-24T11:59:23Z cmd=date -f -  "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2022-01-24 dn=date},
X_TooBib = {year: ReWriteKvp dn=year sn=date flags=4},
X_TooBib = {month: ReWriteKvp dn=month sn=date flags=7},
X_TooBib = {day: ReWriteKvp dn=day sn=date flags=7},
X_TooBib = {publisher: ReWriteParse be.get(s)= be.get(dest)=},
X_TooBib = {journal: ReWriteParse be.get(s)= be.get(dest)=},
abstract = {NATO allies are putting forces on standby and sending additional ships and fighter jets to NATO deployments in eastern Europe, NATO said in a news release Monday.},
alternativeheadline = {NATO allies put forces on standby as tensions rise over Ukraine crisis},
articlesection = {europe},
author = {Sarah Dean, Sharon Braithwaite, Nina Avramova and James Frater, CNN},
date = {2022-01-24},
datecreated = {2022-01-24T11:59:23Z},
datemodified = {2022-01-24T12:34:56Z},
datepublished = {2022-01-24T11:59:23Z},
day = {24},
description = {NATO allies are putting forces on standby and sending additional ships and fighter jets to NATO deployments in eastern Europe, NATO said in a news release Monday.},
headline = {NATO allies put forces on standby as tensions rise over Ukraine crisis - CNN},
image = {},
ispartof = {news},
keywords = {europe, NATO allies put forces on standby as tensions rise over Ukraine crisis - CNN},
month = {01},
pagetitle = {NATO allies put forces on standby as tensions rise over Ukraine crisis - CNN},
thumbnailurl = {},
title = {NATO allies put forces on standby as tensions rise over Ukraine crisis - CNN},
url = {},
x_toobib_mutatemissing = {ds=abstract (*ii).second=NATO allies are putting forces on standby and sending additional ships and fighter jets to NATO deployments in eastern Europe, NATO said in a news release Monday. ss=description},
year = {2022},



mike marchywka
306 charles cox
canton GA 30115
USA, Earth 
marchywka at
ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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