problem with foreign letters in names apparently from crossref,

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at
Mon Feb 7 23:38:55 CET 2022

the c is c cedilla Unicode U+00E7 but it seems to have mangled all the

Can you use the jats xml which has pretty much all the information you need
in machine readable form

google suggests several existing jats to bibtex convertors eg


On Mon, 7 Feb 2022 at 22:13, Mike Marchywka <marchywka at> wrote:

> I thought this was a simple URL to cite but it failed on Zotero webform,
> Outbreak of abomasal bloat in goat kids due to Clostridium ventriculi and
> Clostridium perfringens type A in Brazil
> +8
> Mário Felipe Balaro,Fernanda Gonçalves,Felipe Seabra Leal,Isabel
> Cosentino,Júlia Vignoli,Nathalia Silva,Felipe Brandão,Alessandra Figueiredo
> Nassar,Simone Miyashiro,Nathalie Cunha,Claudia Del Fava
> Further, the names are mangled as the one with a "c" including a wierd
> descender
> is hacked up even in the crossref output. I would blame by handling
> or non-ascii except that the json seems to split the "Gon" name at the
> offending
> character,
> {"status":"ok","message-type":"work","message-version":"1.0.0","message":{"institution":[{"name":"Authorea,
> Inc."}],"indexed":{"date-parts":[[2021,12,17]],"date-time":"2021-12-17T19:18:05Z","timestamp":1639768685631},"posted":{"date-parts":[[2020,6,1]]},"group-title":"Preprints","reference-count":0,"publisher":"Authorea,
> Inc.","content-domain":{"domain":[],"crossmark-restriction":false},"short-container-title":[],"accepted":{"date-parts":[[2020,6,1]]},"DOI":"10.22541\/au.159103680.00306295","type":"posted-content","created":{"date-parts":[[2020,6,1]],"date-time":"2020-06-01T18:40:05Z","timestamp":1591036805000},"source":"Crossref","is-referenced-by-count":0,"title":["Outbreak
> of abomasal bloat in goat kids due to Clostridium ventriculi and
> Clostridium perfringens type A in
> Brazil"],"prefix":"10.22541","author":[{"given":"M rio
> Felipe","family":"Balaro","sequence":"first","affiliation":[{"name":"Universidade
> Federal Fluminense"}]},{"given":"Fernanda Gon","family":"alves","seq!
>  uence":"additional","affiliation":[{"name":"Universidade Federal
> Fluminense"}]},
> Has anyone had a problem with crossref results and foreign chars?
> This is what I came up with, and you can see author_orig and "author"
> entries
> after I triedo to concat "DelFava" as I thought it should be- is that not
> right? Normally I ignore stuff like this as most users would but since
> I was cleaning it up I thought I would try to make it more conventional :)
> toobib handledoilink
> % date 2022-02-07:17:04:51 Mon Feb 7 17:04:51 EST 2022
> % srcurl:
> % citeurl:
> @article{2020_rio_Felipe_Balaro_Fernanda_Gon_alves,
> X_TooBib = {year: ReWriteKvp dn=year sn=date flags=4},
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> X_TooBib = {day: ReWriteKvp dn=day sn=date flags=7},
> X_TooBib = {journal: ReWriteParse be.get(s)=Authorea, Inc. be.get(dest)=},
> X_TooBib = {urldate: FixBeKvp s= cmd=date "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2022-02-07
> dn=urldate},
> X_TooBib = {author: FeliperioBalaro , M and Gonalves , Fernanda and Leal ,
> Felipe Seabra and Cosentino , Isabel and liaVignoli , J and Silva ,
> Nathalia and Felipe Brand and Nassar , Alessandra Figueiredo and Miyashiro
> , Simone and Cunha , Nathalie and DelFava , Claudia},
> affiliation = {Universidade Federal Fluminense and Universidade Federal
> Fluminense and Universidade Federal Fluminense and Universidade Federal
> Fluminense and Universidade Federal Fluminense and Universidade Federal
> Fluminense and Universidade Federal Fluminense and Instituto Biologico and
> Instituto Biologico and Universidade Federal Fluminense and Instituto
> Biologico},
> author = {FeliperioBalaro , M and Gonalves , Fernanda and Leal , Felipe
> Seabra and Cosentino , Isabel and liaVignoli , J and Silva , Nathalia and
> Felipe Brand and Nassar , Alessandra Figueiredo and Miyashiro , Simone and
> Cunha , Nathalie and DelFava , Claudia},
> author_orig = {M rio Felipe Balaro and Fernanda Gon alves and Felipe
> Seabra Leal and Isabel Cosentino and J lia Vignoli and Nathalia Silva and
> Felipe Brand o and Alessandra Figueiredo Nassar and Simone Miyashiro and
> Nathalie Cunha and Claudia Del Fava},
> bib-source = {Crossref},
> content-domain = {false},
> date = {2020-06-01},
> date-accepted = {2020-06-01},
> date-created = {2020-06-01T18:40:05Z},
> date-deposited = {2020-06-012020-06-01T18:40:05Z},
> date-indexed = {2021-12-17T19:18:05Z},
> date-issued = {2020-06-01},
> date-posted = {2020-06-01},
> day = {01},
> deposited = {1591036805000},
> doi = {10.22541/au.159103680.00306295},
> group-title = {Preprints},
> institution = {Authorea, Inc.},
> is-referenced-by-count = {0},
> journal = {Authorea, Inc.},
> member = {9829},
> month = {06},
> prefix = {10.22541},
> publisher = {Authorea, Inc.},
> reference-count = {0},
> references-count = {0},
> score = {1},
> subtype = {preprint},
> title = {Outbreak of abomasal bloat in goat kids due to Clostridium
> ventriculi and Clostridium perfringens type A in Brazil},
> type = {posted-content},
> url = {},
> urldate = {2022-02-07},
> year = {2020},
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> },
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> }
> --
> mike marchywka
> 306 charles cox
> canton GA 30115
> USA, Earth
> marchywka at
> 404-788-1216
> ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X
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