JSON parsing for bibtex extraction from web pages,

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 3 03:23:46 CEST 2022

Zotero seems to miss the ld json and related things, this is their result,

	url = {https://cen.acs.org/physical-chemistry/Magnet-doubles-hydrogen-yield-water/97/web/2019/06},
	urldate = {2022-04-03},

But TooBib parses the  ld-json and can find other stuff even from a local copy
of the html ( I had to tweak stuff which is easy since much of the json is
included in the bibtex allowing it to be hand edited if the site uses 
idiosyncratic names ). There is a lot of cool information out there on most
websites. Maybe you don't need it for most citations but it can be useful
for catagorizing sources etc and in the future for generalized bibliographies.

 % mjmhandler: toobib handleldjson2
% date 2022-04-02:21:19:16 Sat Apr 2 21:19:16 EDT 2022
% srcurl: /home/marchywka/zzzz
% citeurl: /home/marchywka/zzzz
X_TooBib = {date: 06/19/2019},
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X_TooBib = {author: Mark Peplow , special EN},
abstract = {Aligning the spin states of oxygen intermediates overcomes a bottleneck in electrolysis},
articlesection = {Physical Chemistry,Physical Chemistry,Energy,Hydrogen Power},
author = {Mark Peplow , special EN},
author_orig = {Mark Peplow, special to C\&EN},
context = {http://schema.org},
copyrightholder = {Chemical \& Engineering News},
copyrightyear = {2019},
date = {06/19/2019},
date_orig = {2019-06-19},
datemodified = {2019-06-14 18:17:41.491-0400},
datepublished = {20190619},
day = {19},
description = {Aligning the spin states of oxygen intermediates overcomes a bottleneck in electrolysis},
headline = {Magnet doubles hydrogen yield from water splitting},
issn = {0009-2347},
journal = {American Chemical Society},
keywords = {physical chemistry, hydrogen power, energy, electrolysis, hydrogen, oxygen, water, magnet, anode},
month = {06},
pagetitle = {Magnet doubles hydrogen yield from water splitting},
publication = {Chemical \& Engineering News},
publisher = {American Chemical Society},
title = {Magnet doubles hydrogen yield from water splitting},
type = {Article and Periodical},
url = {https://cen.acs.org/physical-chemistry/Magnet-doubles-hydrogen-yield-water/97/web/2019/06},
urldate = {2022-04-02},
wordcount = {683},
x_abstract = {<p>Using nothing more than a $10 magnet, researchers have doubled the hydrogen output of a water-splitting electrolyzer (Nat. Energy 2019, DOI: 10.1038/s41560-019-0404-4). If the approach can be scaled up, it has the potential to slash the costs of producing hydrogen from water, making the clean-burning fuel greener. Hydrogen is often touted as a clean fuel because its combustion produces no carbon dioxide or other pollutants, only water. But about half of the world\xe2\x80\x99s hydrogen is made by steam-methane reforming, which is responsible for about 3% of our global CO2 emissions. Only 4% of hydrogen is made by the electrolysis of water, largely because the process is so expensive. Reducing the cost of electrolysis\xe2\x80\x94or increasing its hydrogen yield\xe2\x80\x94offers a route for the gas to become an economically viable fuel produced by renewable electricity. Alkaline water electrolysis is the cheaper of the two commercially available technologies and has been used for over},
x_articlesection = {Physical Chemistry,Physical Chemistry,Energy,Hydrogen Power},
x_author_3_name = {Mark Peplow, special to C\&EN},
x_author_3_type = {Person},
x_author_name = {Mark Peplow, special to C\&EN},
x_author_type = {Person},
x_context = {http://schema.org},
x_copyrightholder = {Chemical \& Engineering News},
x_copyrightyear = {2019},
x_datemodified = {2019-06-14 18:17:41.491-0400},
x_datepublished = {20190619},
x_description = {Aligning the spin states of oxygen intermediates overcomes a bottleneck in electrolysis},
x_haspart_1_datepublished = {20190619},
x_haspart_1_id = {cen-20190614lnp2},
x_haspart_1_type = {PublicationVolume},
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x_haspart_type = {PublicationVolume},
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x_headline = {Magnet doubles hydrogen yield from water splitting},
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x_issn = {0009-2347},
x_keywords = {physical chemistry, hydrogen power, energy, electrolysis, hydrogen, oxygen, water, magnet, anode},
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x_publisher_4_name = {American Chemical Society},
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x_publisher_name = {American Chemical Society},
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x_toobib_mutatemissing = {ds=url (*ii).second=https://cen.acs.org/physical-chemistry/Magnet-doubles-hydrogen-yield-water/97/web/2019/06 ss=X_mainEntityOfPage_1_id and ds=issn (*ii).second=0009-2347 ss=X_issn},
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final_assembly ={ TooBib handler handleldjson2},




mike marchywka
306 charles cox
canton GA 30115
USA, Earth 
marchywka at hotmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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