Using fonts from the LaTeX Font Catalogue

Bob Tennent rdtennent at
Fri May 7 16:05:18 CEST 2021

 >|19 of them are missing 8 style files: antiqua.sty, covfonts.sty,
 >|emerald.sty, oesch.sty, Play.sty, pvscript.sty, twcal.sty, vicent.sty.

There is no antiqua.sty. As the documentation
clearly states, the way to use this font is
\fontfamily{uaq}\selectfont ...

emerald.sty is provided in the archive at CTAN. If the file
is "missing" it's because you didn't install it.

I can't be bothered looking at the rest of your "examples".


Bob T.

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