Number of equation with condition

Darío darioslc at
Sun Mar 28 00:44:56 CET 2021

Hello! I am working in a article documentclass. It have five section using the command \section. My intention is that each equation number showed a determined format depending on if the section number is odd or even.

I intended using the conditionals, before the \section, for example:
\ifodd \value{section} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\textbf{{\thesection}-\alph{equation}}} \else \renewcommand{\theequation}{\textit{{\thesection}-\arabic{equation}}}\fi

But do not work fine, the compilation does not give errors, but all the numbers of equations are in the same format.

This is my first approach with the conditionals, I am testing this.

May do not work because I charging others archives? like this:


\makeindex[columns = 3, intoc, options= -s]
% begin the document



\ifodd \value{section} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\textbf{{\thesection}-\alph{equation}}} \else \renewcommand{\theequation}{\textit{{\thesection}-\arabic{equation}}}\fi


\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Índice de figuras}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Índice de tablas}



same result if the conditional in the preambule.

Thanks a lot!

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