Are there other online bibtex getters besides Zotero? I found another case that may be a "pattern"

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Sun Jun 13 21:27:03 CEST 2021

On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 06:52:11PM +0000, Schneider, Thomas (NIH/NCI) [E] wrote:
> Mike:
> > If anyone know of other services I can check them too. This is great
> > for  development.
> I'm not quite sure this is what you want, but I have built a tcsh
> script and pascal program (yes, ancient tools) that grabs Pubmed pages
> and creates bibtex entries.  I use them all the time.  This covers all
> medical and biological fields.

I'm trying to get a single click that produces useful bibtex for
any webpage or local file or other things such as a doi.
Pubmed was relatively easy and Zotero seems to get a lot
of sites but only with limited bibtex fields. Even when bibtex
is there it may need editing and the Zotero web form does
not appear to give all options - it just returns a few 
fields. With the diversity of webpages you may wish to 
cite, I'm not sure how any product can really be kept up to date. 

Ultimately I want to extend the bibliography idea to include
short biographies for "personal communications" and a bill of materials
for works that specifiy things to buy to credit the work or author.
So, this exploratory work may be of more value to me than most 
people who want bibtex entries. There is a big problem with 
"junk" on social media and possibly making citations easier,
more than just copy a link or embed, may help as well as provide
some help with dead links later.  

Sure, I would like to escalate "TooBib" ( my product )
and it looks like an open source system may be needed just to 
keep up with the website changes. Also, having a huge collection
of hacks may be useful to website designers if they can see
what goes once they publish useful material :) 

This "systematic collection of hacks" may be a design pattern
too :) 


> I brushed up this page a little just now; it may have some things out
> of date.  Pascal can be compiled using Gnu Pascal, but not on macOS
> anymore.  However, it can be converted to C and then compiled anywhere
> see:
> Tom
>   Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
>   Senior Investigator
>   National Institutes of Health
>   National Cancer Institute
>   Center for Cancer Research
>   RNA Biology Laboratory
>   Biological Information Theory Group
>   Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
>   schneidt at


mike marchywka
306 charles cox
canton GA 30115
USA, Earth 
marchywka at
ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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