Fonts Help [pdftex and truetype]

Karl Berry karl at
Sat Aug 8 00:07:23 CEST 2020

    1.  pdftex and pdflatex recognize MF and Type 1 fonts (nowadata latex
        is usually pdflatex)

Just for the record ... technically the pdftex backend can use TrueType
fonts, but it requires making a TFM (and thus choosing an encoding)
first. This is so inconvenient that no one (including me) does so, in my
experience. Thanh wrote a short article about it, a mere 11 years ago:

Also, perhaps worth mentioning that thanks to Bob Tennent, Michael
Sharpe, and many others, lots of fonts released as OpenType or TrueType
also have Type 1 incarnations in TeX Live/MiKTeX. --karl

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