getting "cite' buttons onto non-academic but citable sites is not within sight ... sigh

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Fri Oct 4 16:58:37 CEST 2019

On Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 02:31:17PM +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 04/10/2019 10:55, Mike Marchywka wrote:
> > [...] I'm still debating about continuing with my scraping code
> > puzzling over why sites don't think "cites" are as useful as
> > "shares"
> Probably because the site doesn't think the academic market is worth
> the effort to have a CITE button written. BTW it would need to be
> able to provide RIS and EndNote formats as well as BiBTeX.
> There *are* people working on improving citation from online
> resources, but mostly within the academic field where citation is
> already understood, not in ordinary business web sites where they
> neither know nor care about academic citation.
> FWIW, at the XML Summer School we had presentations from three
> interested parties: Peter Murray-Rust, whom some of you may know from
> his unceasing efforts to get the publishing industry to open up the
> articles they have already charged authors to publish; and David
> Shotton, talking about the benefits that flow from making
> bibliographic metadata available in machine-readable form; and Graham

Who is David Shotton and can he lead a group of zealous pro-bibtex
supporters to get news sites to offer biblio buttons ideally with bibtex?
And maybe get clipboards to support citation info? Everything came from
somewhere :) 
And per your other comment, there is no real reason to offer a whole
bunch of buttons although I guess many would be useful. Something 
neutral- key value pair lines or something- would be ok ( I guess I do
hate XML it is verbose although quite general but linking anything
to libxml2 is like a last resort lol). 
The bibtex format is general enough, vaguely looks like JSON
and less cluttered/spaced than XML . 

And if you know anyone interested in taking back the word "font"
to mean " LUT from bytes to 5x7 bitmap" that would be nice too :) 

> Klyne, on using linked data (RDF) and associated Semantic Web
> technologies in Digital Humanities applications.
> Peter


mike marchywka
306 charles cox
canton GA 30115
USA, Earth 
marchywka at
ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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