[texworks] inputenc error

Taylor, P P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk
Fri Jun 7 18:37:49 CEST 2019

Thank you both.  I now see on closer inspection that despite the fact that I \usepackage about a dozen packages (none of which do I, of course, even pretend to understand), none of them is "inputenc".  I therefore wonder whether David's

if it was assuming the 8bit
characters just start as catcode 12 then add
as the first line of the file

might resolve the problem.  I will try.
Philip Taylor
\usepackage [compact, center, explicit]{titlesec}

\usepackage {balance}


% No longer needed (2015++)

% \usepackage {fixltx2e}


\usepackage {fix1stcolmarks}

\usepackage {fancyhdr}

\usepackage {transparent}

\usepackage {oldstyle}

\usepackage [pdftex]{graphicx}

\usepackage [greek, english]{babel}

%\usepackage {teubner}

\usepackage {gfsporson}

\usepackage [colorlinks]{hyperref}



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