Apr19 TUG news: accessibility grant, season of docs, conferences, ctan

Carlos linguafalsa at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 19:20:24 CEST 2019

> Google has started
> accepting applications for organizations that want to participate in the
> "Google season of docs"

So this is a competition that benefits only Google and its affiliated
companies and its shares, right?

If you
> want to participate and want TUG to be the mentoring organization,
> please write to Arthur Reutenauer <arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org> and
> Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com>,

I'd love to, but I wouldn't get along with Reutenauer. Nothing constructive
would come out of it.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 4:21 PM TeX Users Group <tug-news at tug.org> wrote:

> Dear TeXers,
> April brought us some exciting news.  The Gordon and Betty Moore
> Foundation, https://www.moore.org/, generously gave us a seed grant
> (US$10K) to develop accessible technologies for TeX.  According to the
> agreement with the grantee this money will be spent on (1) fundraising
> (that is what 'seed' means in the grant) and (2) travel grants to
> developers.  I'd like to stress that none of this money will be spent
> on TUG:  as a matter of principle we do not charge overhead for the
> earmarked donations.
> As many of you already heard from Mojca Miklavec, Google has started
> accepting applications for organizations that want to participate in the
> "Google season of docs", offering stipends to technical writers to work
> full time on improving documentation of open source projects; see
> https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/project-ideas. If you
> want to participate and want TUG to be the mentoring organization,
> please write to Arthur Reutenauer <arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org> and
> Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com>, who are working on a list of ideas.
> The deadline for complete applications is April 23, so please be very
> quick.
> Speaking of deadlines, our friends at GUST extended the application
> for BachoTeX till April 10: http://www.gust.org.pl/bachotex/2019-en
> TUGboat also has extended the deadline for the first issue of 2019 - you
> might catch this train too in the next few days.
> The deadlines for TUG2019 in Palo Alto (August 9--11),
> https://tug.org/tug2019/, are also coming quickly:
> * May 1 - bursary deadline (https://tug.org/bursary)
> * May 15 - presentation deadline (early submissions greatly appreciated)
> * June 1 - early bird discount registration deadline
> The 13th ConTeXt meeting in Bassenge, Belgium, will take place
> September 16--21, 2019;  see https://meeting.contextgarden.net/.
> Registration will be open on May 1.
> In other news TeX Live is close to its 2019 release - with a number of
> interesting features; feel free to try the pretest at
> https://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html. Last year's release (2018) is
> frozen and won't be updated again.
> As usual, there are a number of new packages on CTAN:
> * beamer-rl, right-to-left presentation with beamer and babel
> * do-it-yourself-tex, a collection of easily modifiable forms, macros
>   and sample texts for use with plain TeX/XeTeX
> * els-cas-template, for typesetting articles for Elsevier's Complex
>   Article Service (CAS) workflow
> * fbox, extended \fbox macro
> * fiziko, a MetaPost library for physics textbook illustrations
> * icite to produce from BibTeX or BibLaTeX bibliographical databases the
>   indices of authors and works (indices locorum citatorum)
> * latexalpha2, embedding Mathematica code and plots into LaTeX
> * xcpdftips, natbib citations with PDF tooltips
> * zootaxa-bst, a BibTeX style for the journal Zootaxa
> Happy TeXing!
> Boris Veytsman, TUG President
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