[texhax] includegraphics command in graphicx

Michael S Cloud mcloud1 at gmu.edu
Sun May 22 21:23:43 CEST 2011

First off, thanks for all the helpful thoughts.  I guess I didn't give enough info.

The error I'm getting is

!Undefined control sequence.
1.122 \includegraphics{temp.eps}

The source code is:


I've tried different jpg originals from different sources, all give same result.  I've used a couple of conversion tools including graphicsMagick, Photoshop, Illustrator, jpg2eps.

I am using Miktex/Texnic center, with a compilation process of Latex=>dvips=>ps2pdf

Doesn't appear to offer a way to use pdfLatex, and don't really want to go down that path if I don't have to, because I finally got pstricks working in this environment.  

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