[texhax] WYSEEWYG Editors for LaTeX

Uwe Lueck uwe.lueck at web.de
Tue Nov 9 15:47:54 CET 2010

"William Adams" <will.adams at frycomm.com>, 09.11.2010 15:14:44
> On Nov 9, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Paul Stanley wrote:
>> I have heard of such things and what I'd like to know is, 
>> is the LaTeX source *interpreted*, as it were, 
>> live in the edit window? for example, say, I wanted to typeset
>> a fraction such as `\frac{x}{y^2}', would I be able to *see* the
>> result of my code immediately, that is to say, without having
>> to run the LaTeX compiler separately?
> The two tools in this problem space I'm aware of are:
>    LyX: http://www.lyx.org
> and
>    TeXmacs: http://www.texmacs.org/
> They go about the problem in different ways --- LyX's is 
> particularly innovative and IMO the most forward-looking.

TeXmacs is something of its own, it doesn't build on TeX, 
it only uses "TeX fonts" while I haven't investigated 
what this means, e.g., as a limitation. 

Jonathan Fine worked on TeX daemons,
as has been mentioned in different threads recently, 
which means that the compiler runs without asking for.  
But what you see immediately is not in the "edit window". 

Similarly, restricted to things like formulae: 


I don't know which alternatives are currently developed most actively. 



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