[texhax] paired footnotes

Marcel Knie marcel.knie at uni-rostock.de
Wed Apr 21 17:35:22 CEST 2010


i need some help to understand the following code: 

% marks in the text
\protected at xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn}%
\@footnotemark #1\@footnotemark%
% marks at bottom
\protected at xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn--\thempfn}%

this generate paired footnotes. And if i use only one footnoteapparatus, then its fine. But in combination with the bigfoot package the paired footnotes are grouped but this is not what i want. can you help me. I added a minimalexample so you can see what i mean. 
What i want in the apparatus is:

a-a text
b    text
c-c text 

and not

a-a text
c-c text

b text.

Greetings and thanks for help.

the minimalexample:

\documentclass[a4paper,10pt,twoside]{scrreprt}  % report 
%---------------------------------------Anfang: Fu\ssnotenformatierung---------------- 

\textsuperscript{\thefootnotemark\ }
%------------------------------------Ende: Fu\ss notenformatierung-----------------

% marks in the text
\protected at xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn}%
\@footnotemark #1\@footnotemark%
% marks at bottom
\protected at xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn--\thempfn}%


text\wrapfootnote{test}{teer} zweiter test\footnote{test} und dritter \wrapfootnote{test}{test} und die normalen Fußnoten\footnoteB{so aus} oder so\footnoteB{soo siehts aus}

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