[texhax] controlling pdf reader (was Re: beamer and "Read out loud")

James Quirk jjq at galcit.caltech.edu
Sun Apr 18 20:21:19 CEST 2010


>     http://ctan.org/pkg/acroreloadpdf
> or is this a different solution? -- Uwe.
Linux AR9.x now includes reload support directly. The approach that 
Alexander Grahn developed, and which I commented on in this group, or 
maybe the pdftex group, is unreliable owing to AR's internal construction. 
For instance at my end it caused AR to crash and my recoding of what 
Alexander had written, which employed a JavaScript closure, would not work 
at all at his end, but worked fine at mine. But if his package works for 
you then great! Also, the trick of adding a custom-button to AR's is 
always useful to know. 


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