[texhax] [IC/Admin] Putting image *data* inside a TeX/LaTeX file?

Tom Schneider toms at ncifcrf.gov
Tue Apr 7 21:54:21 CEST 2009


> >         Normally I would provide the user with two files, the
> >         "report.sty" and
> >         a "logo.eps" file. However, life would be simpler for users if
> >         they
> >         had only one file to download.
> >         
> >         So, is there a way to include the image pixel data (or the
> >         contents of
> >         the "logo.eps" file) in the "report.sty" file itself? Say,
> >         within a
> >         largish "\special" command?

Normally I would just make a directory and zip that up.  But there is
an interesting feature of LaTeX described on page 77 of Lamport's
book.  Before the \documentclass command you can put these things:

contents of file

The file name.tex gets written out!

I tried it:

contents of file
Test of filecontents 

LaTeX says:

LaTeX Warning: Writing file `./name.tex'.

8-O it worked!! 8^D

This is the file written:

%% LaTeX2e file `name.tex'
%% generated by the `filecontents' environment
%% from source `paper' on 2009/04/07.
contents of file

This really appeared in the LaTeX output!

The second time it says:

LaTeX Warning: File `name.tex' already exists on the system.
               Not generating it from this source.

I was then able to create an eps from the LaTeX source and read it in.
to create a graphic.  Unfortunately the file created has to be in the
current directory, if I write to /tmp/filename it tries to put it in

So there is a residue left wherever one runs the LaTeX.

I've attached the example.  I have not tried to put it in a style


  Dr. Thomas D. Schneider
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program
  Molecular Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  toms at ncifcrf.gov
  permanent email: toms at alum.mit.edu
-------------- next part --------------
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%Title: Fractal Arrow
%%Creator: Tom Schneider
%%BoundingBox:  60 290 540 670

% from the Blue Book, page 74
% variables and procedures
/depth 0 def
/maxdepth 12 def
/down {/depth depth 1 add def} def
/up {/depth depth 1 sub def} def

/DoLine % print a vertical line
{0 144 rlineto currentpoint
 stroke translate 0 0 moveto} def

{gsave .6 .6 scale   % reduce scale
 20 setlinewidth     % set line width
 down DoLine         % print line
 depth maxdepth le   % depth < max depth?
  {  60 rotate FractArrow
   -120 rotate FractArrow} if
up grestore } def

300 300 moveto
2 2 scale

%%Pages: 1
2009 Apr 07

Test of creating and reading tree.eps graphic.
See LaTeX, A Document Preparation System, by
Leslie Lamport, page 77.

  Dr. Thomas D. Schneider
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program
  Molecular Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
  schneidt at mail.nih.gov
  permanent email: toms at alum.mit.edu


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