[texhax] Solution: Memoir class ToC starts arabic numbering one page too late

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Sun Jun 24 18:43:13 CEST 2007

On Sun, Jun 24, 2007 18:06:18 PM +0200, io (mfioretti at mclink.it) wrote:
> Greetings,
> the template below produce an unforeseen (for me) effect: Title,
> author and Toc take 3.5 pages. However, only the first three pages are
> numbered i, ii, iii. The 4th page, instead of being numbered "iv", is
> where the arabic numbering starts, that is it is numbered "1". Why? I
> thought that the options in that template would make arabic numbering
> start from the fifth page.

Correcting the template as below, that is moving clearpage at the
right position, made the trick. Many thanks to the list members who
explained this to me off list,


\usepackage{hyperref}                 % For creating hyperlinks in cross references
\textheight 17cm
\title{the title}
\author{the author}
\pagestyle{plain}   % do page numbering ('empty' turns off)
\setlength{\parskip}{8pt}\parindent=4pt  % no paragraph indentation

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