[texhax] How to align paragraphs on verso with paragraphs on facing recto page?

Niall Mansfield texhax at uit.co.uk
Fri Dec 14 12:19:28 CET 2007

How can I align paragraphs on the verso with paragraphs on the
facing recto page, like this:

          verso               recto
    | one one one on-  | 1111111 1111     |
    | e one one one    | 1111 1111 1111   |
    |                  | 1111             |
    |                  |                  |
    | two two two tw-  | 222              |
    | o two two two    |                  |
    | two              |                  |
    |                  |                  |
    | three three th-  | 3333333 33333 33 |
    | ree three three  | 333 3333 3333 33 |
    |                  | 333333 3333 3333 |
    |                  | 333 33333 333333 |
    |                  |                  |
    | four four four   | 444 4444         |
    | four             |                  |

Why you'd want to do this:

1. Explaining a program: the code is on the right,
    and the text explaining it is on the left.

2. Translation of a foreign language: original
    on the left, translation on the right.

3. Cooking recipes: list of ingredients on the
    left, instructions on the right.  (Only a
    few cookery books use this; they list the ingred.
    in order of use; and usually it's typeset on
    a single page, where you could use a table
    to do this sort of layout.)

I need it for (1), i.e. program descriptions.
I can't use a table as in (3) because the listing
has to be on a page by itself.


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