[texhax] How to use tex4ht package

Heba Soliman heba.soliman at hindawi.com
Mon May 22 11:44:25 CEST 2006

Dear Prof:

I want to change a LaTeX file to Html file so I tried using the package tex4ht, this is my tex file

\documentclass {article}
\usepackage {tex4ht}
\begin {document}
A single $\heartsuit$ and a full
suit: \( \clubsuit \diamondsuit
\heartsuit \spadesuit \).
\end {document}

when I do processing using htlatex testa.tex, this is the result

D:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht>latex  \makeatletter\def\HCode{\futurelet\HCode\HChar
k#1.a.b.c.{\g at addto@macro\@documentclasshook{\RequirePackage[#1,html]{tex4ht}}\let\HCode\documentsty
le\def\documentstyle{\let\documentstyle\HCode\expandafter\def\csname tex4ht\endcsname{#1,html}\def\H
Code####1{\documentstyle[tex4ht,}\@ifnextchar[{\HCode}{\documentstyle[tex4ht]}}}\makeatother\HCode .
a.b.c.\input  testa.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (MiKTeX 2.1)
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for english, french, german, ngerman, du
mylang, nohyphenation, loaded.
(testa.tex (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\article.cls
Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\size10.clo)) (tex4ht.sty) (tex4ht.4ht
 TeX4ht info is available in the log file
) (tex4ht.sty
--- needs --- tex4ht testa ---
(testa.tmp) (testa.xref) (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht) (html4.4ht)
(html4-math.4ht) (latex.4ht (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (fontmath.4ht
(html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (article.4ht (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht))
(html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (testa.aux) [1] (testa.aux) )
Output written on testa.dvi (1 page, 8480 bytes).
Transcript written on testa.log.

D:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht>latex  \makeatletter\def\HCode{\futurelet\HCode\HChar
k#1.a.b.c.{\g at addto@macro\@documentclasshook{\RequirePackage[#1,html]{tex4ht}}\let\HCode\documentsty
le\def\documentstyle{\let\documentstyle\HCode\expandafter\def\csname tex4ht\endcsname{#1,html}\def\H
Code####1{\documentstyle[tex4ht,}\@ifnextchar[{\HCode}{\documentstyle[tex4ht]}}}\makeatother\HCode .
a.b.c.\input  testa.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (MiKTeX 2.1)
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for english, french, german, ngerman, du
mylang, nohyphenation, loaded.
(testa.tex (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\article.cls
Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\size10.clo)) (tex4ht.sty) (tex4ht.4ht
 TeX4ht info is available in the log file
) (tex4ht.sty
--- needs --- tex4ht testa ---
(testa.tmp) (testa.xref) (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht) (html4.4ht)
(html4-math.4ht) (latex.4ht (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (fontmath.4ht
(html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (article.4ht (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht))
(html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (testa.aux) [1] (testa.aux) )
Output written on testa.dvi (1 page, 8480 bytes).
Transcript written on testa.log.

D:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht>latex  \makeatletter\def\HCode{\futurelet\HCode\HChar
k#1.a.b.c.{\g at addto@macro\@documentclasshook{\RequirePackage[#1,html]{tex4ht}}\let\HCode\documentsty
le\def\documentstyle{\let\documentstyle\HCode\expandafter\def\csname tex4ht\endcsname{#1,html}\def\H
Code####1{\documentstyle[tex4ht,}\@ifnextchar[{\HCode}{\documentstyle[tex4ht]}}}\makeatother\HCode .
a.b.c.\input  testa.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (MiKTeX 2.1)
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for english, french, german, ngerman, du
mylang, nohyphenation, loaded.
(testa.tex (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\article.cls
Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\size10.clo)) (tex4ht.sty) (tex4ht.4ht
 TeX4ht info is available in the log file
) (tex4ht.sty
--- needs --- tex4ht testa ---
(testa.tmp) (testa.xref) (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht) (html4.4ht)
(html4-math.4ht) (latex.4ht (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (fontmath.4ht
(html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (article.4ht (html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht))
(html4.4ht) (html4-math.4ht)) (testa.aux) [1] (testa.aux) )
Output written on testa.dvi (1 page, 8480 bytes).
Transcript written on testa.log.

D:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht>tex4ht test.idv -iD:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex4ht\
ht-fonts\ -eD:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex4ht\base\win32\tex4ht.env
tex4ht.c (2005-01-31-17:41 ms-win32)
D:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\tex4ht.exe test.idv

environment file
% tex4ht.env (ms win)                   2005-02-26-12:35 %
% Copyright (C) 1997--2005        Eitan M. Gurari        %
%                                                        %
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %
% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any    %
% later version. The latest version of this license is   %
% in                                                     %
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt                %
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions  %
% of LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later.                  %
%                                                        %
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".%
%                                                        %
% This Current Maintainer of this work                   %
% is Eitan M. Gurari.                                    %
%                                                        %
%                             gurari at cse.ohio-state.edu  %
%                 http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari  %
% Notes:                                                            %
%  1. Empty lines might be harmful                                  %
%  2. Tagged script segments <tag>...</tag> are scanned only if     %
%     their names are specified within -ctag switches of tex4ht.c   %
%     and t4ht.c. When -c switches are not supplied, a -cdefault    %
%     is implicitly assumed.                                        %
%        The tags <tag> and </tag>, but not their bodies, are       %
%     ignored if they are not located at the start of their lines.  %
%  3. Place this file in your work directory and/or in the same     %
%     directory as tex4ht.exe and t4ht.exe and/or in directory      %
%     `xxx' of your choice. In the latest case, compile tex4ht.c    %
%     and t4ht.c with `#define ENVFILE xxx', or provide the address %
%     of the file to tex4ht and t4ht throught the -e switch         %
% * Fix the paths                                                   %
% * A path may start with:                                          %
%   ~ for environment variable HOME                                 %
%   ~~ for environment variable TEX4HTTFM                           %
% * A ! requests recursive search into  subdirectories              %
% * Multiple t and i entries are allowed                            %
% * When supported by kpathsea                                      %
%   + t entries are ignored                                         %
%   + the path before /ht-fonts/ is ignored in i records that don't %
%     represent real addresses                                      %











% dvi-to-xxx                                                        %
%   choose one G-script                                             %
% dvips options                                                     %
%   magnification: -x mag  (e.g., -x 1200)                          %
%   page size:     -T x,y  (e.g., -T 14in,14in)                     %
 Gif exist zz%%4.ps DEL zz%%4.ps >nul
 Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 >nul
 Gdvips -E -q -Ppdf -f %%1 -pp %%2 > zz%%4.ps
 Ggswin32c -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=%%3 -r110x110 -dEPSCrop -dBackgroundColor=16#ffffff -dText
AlphaBits=2 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=2 -q -dbatch -dNOPAUSE zz%%4.ps -c quit
 Gif exist zz%%4.ps DEL zz%%4.ps >nul
Gif exist zz%%4.ps DEL zz%%4.ps >nul
Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 >nul
Gdvips -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2 > zz%%4.eps
Gpstoedit -f svg zz%%4.eps %%3
Gif exist zz%%4.ps DEL zz%%4.ps >nul
Gif exist zz%%4.ps DEL zz%%4.ps >nul
Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3 >nul
Gdvips -E -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2 > zz%%4.ps
Gconvert zz%%4.ps -trim +repage -density 110x110 -transparent "#FFFFFF" %%3
Gif exist zz%%4.ps DEL zz%%4.ps >nul
%--------- alternative instructions for old versions of convert
% Gconvert zz%%4.ps -trim -density 110x110 -transparent "#FFFFFF" %%3
% Gconvert zz%%4.ps -crop 0x0 +repage -density 110x110 -transparent "#FFFFFF" %%3
% Gconvert zz%%4.ps -crop 0x0 +page -density 110x110 -transparent "#FFFFFF" %%3
Gif exist  zz%%4.ps DEL zz%%4.ps
Gif exist zz%%4.ppm DEL zz%%4.ppm
Gif exist temp.ppm DEL temp.ppm
Gdvips -Ppdf -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2  > zz%%4.ps
Ggswin32c -sDEVICE=ppm -r110 -sOutputFile=zz%%4.ppm -q -dbatch -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits
=4 -dNOPAUSE zz%%4.ps -c quit
Gmove /y zz%%4.ppm temp.ppm
Gpnmcrop  temp.ppm > zz%%4.ppm
Gif exist %%3 DEL %%3
Gppmtopng -interlace -transparent 1,1,1 zz%%4.ppm > %%3
Gif exist  zz%%4.ps DEL zz%%4.ps
Gif exist zz%%4.ppm DEL zz%%4.ppm
Gif exist temp.ppm DEL temp.ppm
% Gppmtogif -interlace -transparent 1,1,1 zz%%4.ppm > %%3
% Default scripts, shifted rightward 1 pos
 s--- needs --- %%1.idv[%%2] ==> %%3 ---
 b--- characters ---
% empty bitmaps                                                     %
 Ecopy  empty.png %%1%%2
% t4ht -d%%2                                                        %
Mmove %%1 %%2%%3
Ccopy %%1 %%2%%3
% removed protection                                                %
 .xml java -cp texmf/tex4ht/bin/xv4ht.jar xv4ht %%1.xml texmf/tex4ht/base/win32/xv4ht.cat
 .html java -cp texmf/tex4ht/bin/xv4ht.jar xv4ht %%1.html texmf/tex4ht/base/win32/xv4ht.cat
 .css mycssparser %%1.css
% * Address for an automatically created bookkeeping file           %
% * Ignored under kpathsea                                          %
% * The work directory is assumed for a default                     %
%%% openoffice                                                     %
.4os mkdir sxw-%%0.dir
.4os mkdir sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures
.4os move  %%1.4os                  sxw-%%0.dir\settings.xml
.4os move  %%0.xml                  sxw-%%0.dir\content.xml
.4om mkdir sxw-%%0.dir\%%1
.4om move  %%1.4om                  sxw-%%0.dir\%%1\content.xml
.4om copy  sxw-%%0.dir\settings.xml sxw-%%0.dir\%%1\settings.xml
.4of mkdir sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF
.4of move  %%1.4of sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF\manifest.xml
.4ot move  %%1.4ot    sxw-%%0.dir\meta.xml
.4oy move  %%1.4oy    sxw-%%0.dir\styles.xml
.4og copy  %%1        sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures\%%1
%-- sxw --
.4ox cd    sxw-%%0.dir\
.4ox cd    sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF
.4ox zip   sxw-%%0.dir\%%0.sxw        sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF\*.*
.4ox cd    ..
.4ox cd    sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures
.4ox zip   sxw-%%0.dir\%%0.sxw        sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures
.4ox cd ..
.4ox zip -j sxw-%%0.dir\%%0.sxw       sxw-%%0.dir\*
.4ox cd ..
.4ox move sxw-%%0.dir\%%0.sxw .
.4ox del %%1.4ox
.4ox echo y | del sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures\*.*
.4ox rd sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures
.4ox echo y | del sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF\*.*
.4ox rd sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF
.4ox echo y | del sxw-%%0.dir\*.*
.4ox rd sxw-%%0.dir
%-- odt --
.4od cd    sxw-%%0.dir\
.4od cd    sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF
.4od zip   sxw-%%0.dir\%%0.odt        sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF\*.*
.4od cd    ..
.4od cd    sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures
.4od zip   sxw-%%0.dir\%%0.odt        sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures
.4od cd ..
.4od zip -j sxw-%%0.dir\%%0.odt       sxw-%%0.dir\*
.4od cd ..
.4od move sxw-%%0.dir\%%0.odt .
.4od del %%1.4od
.4od echo y | del sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures\*.*
.4od rd sxw-%%0.dir\Pictures
.4od echo y | del sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF\*.*
.4od rd sxw-%%0.dir\META-INF
.4od echo y | del sxw-%%0.dir\*.*
.4od rd sxw-%%0.dir
%%% end openoffice                                                  %
% Activate the following non-concurent sub script, if the previous
% one does not work. That is, interchange <oo> with <oo-alt>
% and </oo> with </oo-alt>.
%%% openoffice                                                     %
.4os mkdir Pictures
.4os move  %%1.4os settings.xml
.4os move  %%0.xml content.xml
.4om mkdir %%1
.4om move  %%1.4om      %%1\content.xml
.4om copy  settings.xml %%1\settings.xml
.4of mkdir META-INF
.4of move  %%1.4of META-INF\manifest.xml
.4ot move  %%1.4ot    meta.xml
.4oy move  %%1.4oy    styles.xml
.4og copy  %%1        Pictures\%%1
%-- sxw ---
.4ox zip -m %%0.sxw Pictures
.4ox zip -m %%0.sxw settings.xml
.4ox zip -m %%0.sxw content.xml
.4ox zip -m -r %%0.sxw %%0-m*
.4ox zip -m -r %%0.sxw META-INF
.4ox zip -m %%0.sxw meta.xml
.4ox zip -m %%0.sxw styles.xml
.4ox zip -m -r %%0.sxw Pictures/*
%-- odt ---
.4od zip -m %%0.odt Pictures
.4od zip -m %%0.odt settings.xml
.4od zip -m %%0.odt content.xml
.4od zip -m -r %%0.odt %%0-m*
.4od zip -m -r %%0.odt META-INF
.4od zip -m %%0.odt meta.xml
.4od zip -m %%0.odt styles.xml
.4od zip -m -r %%0.odt Pictures/*
%%% end openoffice                                                  %
% Platforms with cp and mv utilities of
% http://www.mingw.org/msys.shtml may use the following script.
% It is capable of moving pictures from subdirectories required,
% for instance, by \includegraphics{bitmaps/test.eps}
%%% openoffice                                                     %
.4os mkdir Pictures
.4os mv  %%1.4os settings.xml
.4os mv  %%0.xml content.xml
.4om mkdir %%1
.4om mv  %%1.4om      %%1\content.xml
.4om cp  settings.xml %%1\settings.xml
.4of mkdir META-INF
.4of mv  %%1.4of META-INF\manifest.xml
.4ot mv  %%1.4ot    meta.xml
.4oy mv  %%1.4oy    styles.xml
.4og cp  --parents %%1        Pictures
%-- sxw --
.4ox zip  %%0.sxw Pictures
.4ox zip  %%0.sxw settings.xml
.4ox zip  %%0.sxw content.xml
.4ox zip  -r %%0.sxw %%0-m*
.4ox zip  -r %%0.sxw META-INF
.4ox zip  %%0.sxw meta.xml
.4ox zip  %%0.sxw styles.xml
.4ox zip  -r %%0.sxw Pictures/*
%-- odt --
.4od zip  %%0.odt Pictures
.4od zip  %%0.odt settings.xml
.4od zip  %%0.odt content.xml
.4od zip  -r %%0.odt %%0-m*
.4od zip  -r %%0.odt META-INF
.4od zip  %%0.odt meta.xml
.4od zip  %%0.odt styles.xml
.4od zip  -r %%0.odt Pictures/*
%%% end openoffice                                          %
.java cp %%1.java jh-%%0.dir\.
.java javac -classpath c:\jh1.1.3\javahelp\lib\jh.jar jh-%%0.dir\%%1.java
.java rm jh-%%0.dir\%%1.java
.java cp %%1.java jh-%%0.dir\.
.java javac -classpath c:\jh2.0\javahelp\lib\jh.jar jh-%%0.dir\%%1.java
.java rm jh-%%0.dir\%%1.java

% end of file                                                       %

--- error --- Can't find/open file `cmr10.tfm'

D:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht>t4ht testa.tex  -ec:\tex4ht\texmf\tex4ht\base\win32\tex4ht.env -cvalidatehtml
t4ht.c (2003-06-16-01:33 ms-win32)
D:\Temp\TeX4ht\tex4ht\texmf\tex\generic\tex4ht\t4ht.exe testa.tex
Entering testa.lg


I don't know why the complain from this font?
When doing tex4ht.exe test.dvi, the complain is from another font which is:
--- error --- Can't find/open file `cmsy10.tfm'
Also I optain 0 bytes testa.ilg and testa.idv

I don't know where is the error, should I download another programs that helps the tex4ht to run or where is the problem, I don't know.
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