[texhax] page style problem

Theodore Walls walls at uri.edu
Fri Mar 17 23:39:18 CET 2006

My current draft used the below cls file with problems for a pending NIH
submission.  In order to send it to a different destination, I need top
right pagination and would prefer some bottom footers.  If I use
\pagestyle{fancy}, pagination is bottom center.  I have put top right
pagination in \rhead successfully, but I cannot undo the bottom center
pagination.  If I switch to \pagestyle{headings}, I get top right
pagination, but loose my footers and get a few other conflicts (the top
header picks up a section head from a section where I used to renewcommand
to control the title of my references).  
Does anyone know of a more flexible pagestyle option or a way of tricking
LaTex out of putting a bottom center page number in?
% vim:tabstop=4 expandtab syntax=tex:
% This is nih.cls by Alan Shields, May 2003
% email: Alan-Shields2omrf.ouhsc.edu
% Heavily based upon (read: copied almost exactly from)
%    nih.sty by Bruce R. Donald and Matthew L. Fidler
\ProvidesClass{nih}[2003/05/08 NIH PHS 398 as of January 2003]
% includes needed for preliminary code
% Preliminary code
\newcommand{\nih at kk}{~}
\newboolean{nih at blank}
\setboolean{nih at blank}{false}% not strictly necessary, but let's be clear
about it
\DeclareOption{nihblank}{\setboolean{nih at blank}{true}}
\DeclareOption{kk}{\renewcommand{\nih at kk}{\small KK}}
% The class we're overwriting

% Begin Requirements

%%%% More code
% preamble stuff
\newcommand{\nih at PIname}{Vestigator, Paul I.}
\newcommand{\piname}[1]{\renewcommand{\nih at PIname}{#1}}
% constants
\newcommand{\nih at sillysize}{\scriptsize}
% set the page style
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{nih at blank}}%
            {}% fi
                {{\sf\scriptsize Principal Investigator/Program Director%
                    (Last, First, middle):}}%
            }% esle
\rhead{\ifthenelse{\boolean{nih at blank}}%
        {\thepage}% fi
        {\sf\footnotesize{Page}}% esle
    \ {\ \ \ {\sf\thepage}\ \ \ }%
\lhead{\fancyplain{}{\nih at kk}}
        \ifthenelse{\boolean{nih at blank}}%
            {}% fi
            {\sf\footnotesize Mentored Research Scholar Grant\\}% esle
    {\sf\footnotesize{American Cancer Society - January 2006}}%
% page dimensions (note: assumes 8.5x11)
\addtolength{\textheight}{0in} % 0.5in margins on both sides

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