[texhax] \include without pagebreak?

Lars Madsen daleif at imf.au.dk
Mon Nov 14 10:40:26 CET 2005

Magnus Ottosson :

> Hi!
> I'm about to write an article and decided to use this template:
> http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/
> However since we are several people that will work on the article
> simultainiously I want to divide the template into several files using
> \include{}. I discovered that using \include{} automaticly includes a
> pagebreak wich is not very good in this case. Is there a way I can
> include a file wihtous automaticly insert a pagebreak for each include?

use \input instead of \include


``You cannot help men permanently by doing for them 
what they could and should do for themselves. ''
  -- Abraham Lincoln

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